Parents & caregivers of at-risk kids ... ease overwhelm with self-care

Join "Mindful Mondays" 9AM EST (STARTING MAY 6)

Why is burnout so high for parents and caregivers of kids in care?     

Burnout is all too common in foster & adoptive parenting - over 60% reporting the symptoms of burnout - irritability, lack of sleep, stress and substance abuse. 

What's the solution?  While there is no silver bullet, two proven approaches are self-care and mindfulness.  Why? taking time to check-in with what you need gives you the space and confidence to manage through your challenges.  Freedom from overwhelm is possible for us all with focus, practice and often a little help. 

Take the first steps to self-care

Heart-Mind Life's services are freely offered  to those caring for foster, adoptive and in-care children - some of our most vulnerable youth

  • Health & Wellbeing Coaching - Start on your self-care journey with personalized support learn more
  • Mindfulness - Start being more mindful by dropping into a 9AM "Mindful Mondays" zoom, just 15 minutes learn more
  • Workshops - I'll be posting replays here for anyone interested to view here

My self-care journey

I learned the importance of self-care the hard way, by not doing it and being grumpy most of my adult life. Not a great role model. I resisted self-care initially, feeling guilty to focus on me.  But over time, something deep in me decided that I needed to change. This started me on a path that continues today. 

Self-care services

words to sit with ...

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